Need reliable, customized world or China news --
and need it quick?
Perhaps you have this problem, particularly if you live in a
developing country: You don't have easy and/or timely access to
western news (U.S. papers or CNN). Nor do you have a solid or
quick enough internet connection to waste 10-15 minutes sifting
through graphic laden news sites, or to download a huge file. Nor
do you want lots of irrelevant news that you don't have time to
read in your busy day. You also are cheap, and don't want to dish
out money for time spent on line or to sign up for a service.
What you want is quick, up to date summaries of the news only on
topics that interest you. Here's what we recommend:
- Thank you Infobeat
(formerly Mercury Mail). Sign up and they e-mail you
daily summaries of news, stock market closing prices,
sports scores, etc. - you pick what you want, how often
you want it. Free!
- The Economist
briefs are similar, and from a top news source. E-mailed
to you once a week - one for business issues, one for
- Intelligent
Network Concepts is similar, but not as good as,
The same goes for China news. There's a ton of stuff out
there, but you don't want to surf all day with your slow
connection. You want China news e-mailed to you that is
informative, and that you can read at your leisure.
- China News Digest
e-mails you a range of news information
from top stories to sports to items the PRC government
doesn't report on. They e-mail briefs 2-3 times per week,
and also have a web site. The best source for relevant
China/Taiwan/Hong Kong news. You can send an e-mail to and ask
for information about how to sign up for their service.
- For PRC business news, sign up for the
US commercial section China briefs. To subscribe, send an
email to:
In the body of your message, write "subscribe
daily-briefs" (without the quotes). We find the news
to be basic (basically plucked from China Daily), but
give it a try. Free. Sent daily, Monday through Friday.
Don't miss the U.S.
Embassy - China and the Commercial
Section in Beijing.
- On a LIGHTER NOTE, to get the latest on
what's happening in Beijing, sign up for a FREE social
events newsletter. Email:
with subscribe as the subject. See what's happening on
the Beijing social scene.
Send us your pick
for the best news services.
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little) China Insight. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated: April 14, 1998.